Have you considered 401(K) financing?

Many individuals are unaware about the benefits of 401(k) business financing and what they entail. People will be able to move funds from retirement accounts like 401(k)s into self-directed individual accounts, where they can invest in their own company or real estate without incurring early withdrawal penalties or income taxes.

401(k) financing is a great way to use the money you’ve saved up now without paying early withdrawal fees or income tax penalties. That means you will have more money you can save for retirement and use in your business. Forget about asking angels for loans and investments! With your money, you will be able to achieve profit and growth of your business without debt looming over your head. Best of all, no collateral, interest, or credit is required, as long as you have an eligible retirement account.

So, how does one go about doing this?

1. See if you qualify!

First things first, understand your end goals! By doing so, this will make the process of understanding where you lie and where you are headed a lot easier and help you determine if this is the right business move for you.

2. Get a consultation

With the help of an outside professional with experience and education in this field, they will be able to bring more valuable insights to the table. Lucky for you, Pro Biz offers these services! With our expertise, the end goal actually becomes a reality.

3. Fund your business

By putting your trust in Pro Biz to aid in this process, you will be on the road to success in no time.

4. Launch your business!

By launching your business with our help, you will now be able to grow and flourish with all your own money and carry no debt!


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